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The Fifth International Philosophical Dialogue continued in Bitola - Конференциски Центар

The Fifth International Philosophical Dialogue continued in Bitola

10th Jubilee International Conference “International Dialogue: EAST-WEST” was held at the International Slavic University in Sveti Nikole
19 April 2019
The fifth Philosophical Dialogue “EAST-WEST” ended in Ohrid
6 October 2019

Today the second part of the fifth Philosophical Dialogue “East – West” continued on the premises of the International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin” in Bitola. The topic of this year’s symposium is “The Crisis of the idea for Europe”.

Prof. Dragan Prole, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy within the University of Novi Sad, Prof. RistoSoluncev, PhD, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy within St. Cyril and Methodius, University of Skopje, Prof. EvangelosProtopapadakis,PhD, professor at the Faculty of Philosophy within the University of Athens, Greece and Prof. Milan Gjorgjev, PhD, Vice Dean for Science and International Cooperation at the Faculty of Theology within St. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje had their presentations at the session held today.

The last session will be held tomorrow at the conference hall in City Palas Hotel in Ohrid, at 10 a.m.