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International Dialogue - 2015 - Конференциски Центар

International Dialogue – 2015

International Dialogue: East-West – 2015
sixth international scientific conference 

Date: 25 and 26 April 2014
Location: International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin” – Sveti Nikole
Number of participants: 199
Number of articles: 126
Countries: Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Russia and Kazakhstan
ISSN print: 1857-9299
ISSN online: 1857-9302

Organizational Committee:

President: PhD Jordan Gjorcev, Macedonia
Vice President: 
Vladislav M. Yuryev, Russia
MSc Borche Serafimovski, Macedonia

Editors Committee:

PhD Dushan Nikolovski, Macedonia
PhD Aleksandar Ilievski – Macedonia
PhD Miroslav Krstic – Serbia
PhD Zdravko Gargarov – Bulgaria
PhD Hadjib Salkic – Bosnia and Herzegovina
PhD Tatyana Osadchaya – Russia

Main Topics:

Law and Political Science:

  1. Administrative law and public administration
  2. Civil law
  3. Criminal law
  4. International Public Law, EU law and diplomacy
  5. Finance and Business Law
  6. Manand society: civil society in post-socialist countries
  7. From the governing political parties towards the projects of the political parties: party systems in post-socialist countries
  8. Conflict ofinterests: political and military conflicts in the post-socialist area
  9. New global realignment – interesting spheres and geopolitical doctrine in the world
  10. The polarization and crisis strategy that encourages terrorism
  11. The New World Orderas a strategic perspective or presentation of history through criticizing
  12. European Union, the polarization east-west and the governance with the changes

Psychology and Pedagogy

  1. Psychological support of international economic cooperation
  2. Mechanism of social knowledge in the dialogue of cultures
  3. The future is now – the psychology in the educational process
  4. The mental health of the community
  5. Psychotherapeutic techniques – a tool for organizational and systemic development in companies and institutions
  6. Psychological responses to social changes
  7. Perspective of the external evaluation from the aspect of students’, parents’ and teachers’ view.
  8. Means for undertaking actions for prevention in school failure
  9. Globalization and modern models of education
  10. Recovery methods for thestressful situationsat school
  11. The impactof the Internet and multimedia resources on the process of learning
  12. Pedagogical conditions for creating an intercultural tolerance as a part of the personality

Philosophy, linguistics and culture:

  1. The culture, identity (cultural, transcultural, multicultural) and the values
  2. Philosophy, culture and giving a shape on the worldview
  3. The general and individual interpretation and comprehension of the literature and creation
  4. Interculturalism and language philosophy
  5. The language and the languages: linguistic universalism versus linguistic relativism
  6. The language and the constitution of meaning through cultural and social processes
  7. The language and interpretation: hermeneutic perspective, philosophy and literature
  8. Dialogism, intertextuality and literature products
  9. Language, culture and activity of translation
  10. Plurilingualism and the contemporary language policies changes
  11. Contemporary lingua-cultural trends
  12. Humanism as a target of the literature and artistic work and creation


  1. The ethics of the mutual activity between the government and the society
  2. The technologies of the effective organization as a part of the manager’s activities
  3. Tools for staff management as a part of the contemporary conditions for doing business
  4. Social, humanitarian and legal support for the commercial activities
  5. The economy on the crossroads-the new challenges of the global economy
  6. A development or stagnation-Are there any development strategies?
  7. The contemporary economy through the prism of the price variation of energy and food as well as the currency value
  8. The management of human resource including a new agenda of the organizational efficiency
  9. Contemporary management and the international character of the changes
  10. Contemporary trends and challenges in the area of accountancy and audit
  11. The challenges of the contemporary marketing in the frames of the market economy
  12. Innovative marketing trends in the digital media


Photo Gallery, 2015