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International Dialogue - 2012 - Конференциски Центар

International Dialogue – 2012

International Dialogue: East-West – 2012
third international scientific conference

Date: 15 and 17 March 2012
Location: International Slavic University “G. R. Derzhavin” – Sveti Nikole
Number of authors: 203
Number of participants: 126
Countries: Macedonia, Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
ISBN: 978-608-4689-04-1

Scientific Journal:

  1. Scientific Journal No. 3.pdf 

Organizational Committee:

President: PhD Jordan Gjorcev, Macedonia
Vice President: 
Vladislav M. Yuryev, Russia
PhD Branimic Covic, Bosnia and Herzegovina 
PhD Zdravko Gargarov, Bulgaria
 PhD Dushan Nikolovski, Macedonia
PhD Nina Kovalj, Russia
PhD Larisa Covic, Serbia
MSc Borche Serafimovski, Macedonia

Editors Committee:

PhD Jordan Mihajlovski, Macedonia
PhD Natalia Safonova, Russia
PhD Stojan Przhovski, Macedonia

Научни насоки:

Political Science, history, linguistics and culture:

  1. The spirituality as a paradigm in the cultural dialogue East-West
  2. The cultural crisis in the end of XX and the beginning of XXI century – reasons, consequences and integrative ways out of it
  3. The Slavic scientific and methodical base: achievements in science and culture
  4. Slavic cultural parallels: philosophy, history, language, literature and art
  5. Official and people’s diplomacy – the base for international integration

Psychology and pedagody

  1. The intercultural communication in the modern society
  2. The ethnic relations in the political dialogue
  3. Interethnical relations in the family and the society
  4. National self-determination of the person in the modern world
  5. Religious relations in the intercultural dialogue
  6. Traditional and new values in the East-West dialogue
  7. Spiritual bases of the East-West dialogue
  8. The identity of the person in the modern world


  1. Creating a single, multieuropean economical zone: problems and perspectives
  2. The role of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in the modern integration processes
  3. The universality and the specifics of the national economic systems