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Fees, expenses and payment methods - Конференциски Центар

Fees, expenses and payment methods


Price per one page of text published in the journal
1 author 15 EUR
2 authors 20 EUR
More than 3 authors

25 EUR


The prices are in EUR. 

  • *A free conference journal will be given to maximum three participants (authors) who apply with one common paper. For the remaining authors the price of the conference journal will be 15 €. The participants pay the expenses for the delivery of the journal.
  • ** Accommodation costs – EUR 30 per participant per night (optional)

Online Payment

The participants can pay the participation fee online. Once the article is accepted to the conference, we will send you a link to make the payment online.

Bank Payment

According to their preferences, the participants could pay via bank transfer as well. The payment info for Macedonian participants (must be paid in MKD) is presented below:

Bank Account No: 380173149600141
Deponent: ProCredit bank, Skopje
Recipient: PVU Megunaroden Slavjanski Univerzitet Sveti Nikole

Foreign participants could make the bank payment in EUR:

IBAN: MK07200002273146492
Recipient bank: Stopanska Banka AD Skopje
Recipient: PVU Megunaroden Slavjanski Univerzitet Sveti Nikole.

Additional information:

The title of the conference, as well as the last and the first name of the participant, must be indicated in the payment confirmation, or in the case of a common paper, only the name of the first author.